Senin, 30 April 2018

Door To Door Sales - Why This Sales Method Will Work For You

Door To Door Sales - Why This Sales Method Will Work For You

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Door To Door Sales - Why This Sales Method Will Work For You

A lot of people look down their nose at door to door sales but actual measurement shows it is a very effective way to sell.

Knocking on doors to sell is no more of an interruption than any other form of advertising. Even TV and radio advertising interrupts your shows or music. Like ll other advertising and sales, if you product or service is needed by the customer, they are glad you came by. If they don't need what you are offering, they view you as a pest and an interruption. For example, if your toilet started dripping and flooding just before a pluming company knocked on your door, would you be glad they came by? Sure you would. That's why raising interest quickly is so important in door to door sales.

A Great Way To Get Through

Door to door sales will get you through to a decision maker. You won't get voice make, receptionists or other gatekeepers to stop you. If the door opens, you got through and you have a few seconds to raise interest and tell them how you can help them. Door to door sales allows you to get through to people you would never reach any other way. Door to door sales also gives you immediate customer feedback. If too many people don't like your approach, your price or your product, you can change it quickly.

Undivided Attention

When someone answers the door, you have their undivided attention for a few precious seconds. There is no other form of advertising that provides this golden opportunity. TV commercials interrupt the show. Most people aren't even in the room. Newspaper ads are an interruption for people trying to read the news. Telemarketing calls are taken while people eat, watch TV and do all kinds of things. Only door to door sales gives you their undivided attention.

Impulse Selling

Door to door sales gets impulse sales. Most other forms of advertising require a person to think now and act later. For example, TV ads require you to remember the name and number of the advertiser and decide to call them later. The same is true of billboards, radio ads etc. Only door to door sales puts a salesperson with an order form in front of a customer you have convinced to buy right now. That is the miracle and the magic of door to door sales.

No Cost To Try

Unlike all other forms of marketing, door to door sales costs nothing to try. If you can knock, you can sell. This allows small startup companies to compete with the big dogs and can bring in immediate cash to new businesses.

Easy To Evolve

Unlike other kinds of marketing that may take weeks and thousands of dollars to change, door to door sales is easy to evolve and improve. You can change your presentation, your price and your approach before you knock on the next door. The cost of this market research is zero. Give it a try and see who salutes it.

Used By Respectable Companies

Some people fee that door to door selling is only used by swindlers but some of the largest companies use this medium successfully such as AT & T, Time Warner and many others. Be proud if you sell door to door. You are in a good group of sales companies.

Door to door is as American as the front porch and as friendly as meeting your neighbors. It is a great way to market, and it should be a part of every salesperson's sales tools.

Door To Door Sales - How To Structure Your Opening Line For Success

Door To Door Sales - How To Structure Your Opening Line For Success

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Door To Door Sales - How To Structure Your Opening Line For Success

Many people ask me why the script they use in door to door sales is not working well. One reason is often that they ask the big question too early. When I say "the big question" I mean asking for the goal of your visit. It could be to come in to the home, it could be to get an order, it could be to get an appointment later.

I recently was working with a company that offers a free water heater if you use their natural gas service. Their door to door team was saying. "I am here to sign people up for a free water heater. Would you like to have a free water heater". Even though it is free, almost no one accepted the offer. It is too abrupt. They went for the "big question" too early.

Here are some ideas that made this script much more effective:

"Hello, I am Carl With Acme Utilities. We are in the area offering a free new water heater to people who's water heater is more than 5 years old. Is you water heater five years old or more?" (They only worked in neighborhoods where it was very likely that the water heaters were old). This is a question almost everyone would answer "yes" to.

"Good. Since your heater is that old, we are offering a free upgraded heater that will save you about $10.00 per month on your utility bills. Would a sav9ings of $10.00 per month be a good things for you?" Again, this is a question almost everyone will answer in the affirmative.

"Great. Also, these newer heaters produce about 30% more hot water than the old inefficient model you have now. Would you like it if you never ran out of hot water in the middle of a shower again?" This is also a question most people will agree with.

Once you have them answering "yes" to a few easy questions, you should assume your goal. Don't end by asking, "Do you want a free water heater", just say. "Great, I'll get the paperwork started."

If you really want to success in door to door sales, never just say what comes to your mind. Write out your script and work on it to cut the words that don't lead to a sale, to increase the benefits you show the customer and to make your opening more powerful.

If you lay the foundation by building interest and getting answers to smaller, easier questions, your door to door sales scripts will work much better.

Don't Change the Automatic Transmission Fluid!

Don't Change the Automatic Transmission Fluid!

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Don't Change the Automatic Transmission Fluid!

Are you treating your transmission in your ride right? It is common understanding that your automobile requires it's motor oil changed as often as 2500 miles, however often do you require to have your tranny fluid serviced? This actually counts on your automobile, so feel free to have a look at your car's guide and figure out what it recommends. However, we would want to supply you with several universal rules of thumb of when tranny's ATF should be serviced.

Unluckily, the tranny is probably the most disregarded components of cars today, and still it is probably of the most vital parts. Neglecting to maintain your tranny can result in premature failure, and if you decide not to service your transmission very early on in the lifespan of the rig, you're lining yourself up for problems if you try to service the fluid later in the rig's lifetime.

Please observe the regular maintenance schedule outlined in your vehicle's car guide. If it does not give you a frequency, go for every 30,000 miles. Nevertheless, if the rig already has a lot of mileage on it, don't service your transmission's ATF.

Sounds wild, but here's the story. If you have a higher mileage vehicle (greater than 95,000 miles or so) and your tranny servicing has not been performed, yet your vehicle still is running well you have to leave it be. Here's why. Chances are the tranny fluid that has already been in the tranny the whole time is starting to get pretty dirty and gritty.

Even so, believe it or not this soil and grit in the transmission fluid is likely assisting the transmission to perform effectively. If you haven't been servicing your tranny fluid at frequent intervals that soil and grime has induced corroding on existing normal parts that would not have came about had you been changing it properly. These parts (such as the internal clutches and band parts) count a lot on friction in order to function properly.

At this point the friction that is usually in these components from the manufacturer has eroded down cause of lack of maintenance. So, since they are absent their own friction, they really rely on the friction in the transmission fluid in order to function the right way. Now, understanding that the parts require friction in order to operate correctly, if you get rid of all the friction in the tranny's ATF, what do you think would happen? In most scenarios, this new clean slippery automatic transmission fluid will make your old high mileage vehicle to have transmission troubles, typical slippage when shifting.

The brutal actuality is, if you are not having any troubles with your old, high mile vehicle's tranny, and you haven't been keeping up with the normal servicing on the transmission, the best advice you can ever receive is to leave the automatic transmission fluid and filter alone. So, if you're experiencing tranny troubles like slippage, forceful or erratic shifts, or seeing the tranny acting slow to shift when the motor is cold, look for the experience of a specialized tranny shop prior to having the fluid serviced, cause odds are your tranny is relying on that grimey tranny fluid in order to continue working properly. Servicing it could actually be ending it's life.

Minggu, 29 April 2018

Dog Smell How To Stop The Foul Odor

Dog Smell How To Stop The Foul Odor

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Dog Smell How To Stop The Foul Odor

mp>If yoorrddgg meell,,aadd ouu ar  hhnniiggtticc  aaootteeee  aainn  oorrddggiissdd,,ttennyyuuddffnnttll eed o eaa  hhssaattccee our oggddee  rrddcc nnrraa'' ooo,,ppiiaaiiyy trrugh hee vrreeyyoo llnnssffuuddii hhii kin,,eerr,,aaddppww..BBttyyuu oo  aa lloo avee a eeiouu ndd uppeessnn mmll,,sscc ssffoo kknniiffcciinn,,aaddoohhrrdissrrees.. Tii rtiill wwll  hhwwyyu hh oottccmmmn ausess o  og  ddrr  nn oo yyuuccn iaannss  hh aass f ouur dggssbbddsseel. iillttee  hhwwyyuutt ost mmoottnn aauuaa ppiinn oo qiikkyy nn assll sso our oggs  ool  ddrr  br> br> TTeeffrrttttiiggttaa oo eee o  dooii  iiggooeeeeaatty hhtt i auuiiggtteeddggooorr taat yy pooeell xaminnng oorr dg'' oott,,aaddsseenn ii heyyhhvv aa reett..CCrrffllyylloo tttteeggmm nn tteehh  ookinggfor  igns  ffggmmreeeesion, nn oott rroo aabscees.  hii wwull  eeuurr eeeeiiaayyccrr..SSmm ogg ith allttssss((aa  rratt))  eeppn eel o emediee oo paauu;;II hvv ad articuuaa  uuccss ssnn roduuttccllee llqqeeOOff<r> infection r n ftemr omncue fupesn o dr oyusol hruhy aie ears. rwt hoi o drpolm,o non lege,sol e a hpoalerenic ype do od ugs htyufe ordg od impl nrdet,sc sfs n we oao oecin ae amd a a od astease osoppng h lege n nigterdg a ml. b> Te at u fe s motn tpi raigyu o'soo rbe swt rprbtigadsapo.Ofe h eli rmscnaybcei uha tp) hc vrrwi epnet h leg. os eicaed yp hapo hti eindt ra idbceilsi netos rfroe htcnanSlu n aiyi cd oitcdgsapota a epi e reOl&mp; loe eaSapo eades h e eei owtyu o,lte hmu and ev ntersi or1 l iue;ueacok o utlaete apo o a ln nuhpro ftm ob fetv.Atr0 nts hruhyrne o a aeyd hstieawe ni h kn olonge mls
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arr ntt ff yuu oo ass a srrnn ddrr hhrr ss a lrree nmmee  ff hiigg hhttyyuuccnndd..BB yytemaaii,,ccrrffllyy iaannssnn hh rrciieeccuueeoo hhe seell nn  hhnnfoollwwnn hht p iihhvvttrrnnrr aaee r n pproppiitt eeeeyy f oorrddgghhssaassii  nnettoo,, ss  ooe  ffttee rmmddess Ihhvv isccssee,,ii articularr tee saappoo  uu oonn t rooeell../p>
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Does The Emotion Code Really Work

Does The Emotion Code Really Work

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Does The Emotion Code Really Work

There are different types of emotion code and energy healing skeptics. There are those that will not believe any type of energy work no matter what the results are or no matter how clearly you explain the work. Then, there are those that are skeptics because they have not seen the work produce positive results that are directly attributed to the energy work performed. They may not have had it explained clearly enough to understand and allow them to form a positive opinion regarding energy work? The latter skeptic is the one that I am addressing in this article. If you or someone you know truly would like to believe and have just not seen the results you were hoping for, please read on.

The skeptics have many thoughts on why Energy Healing and in this case The Emotion Code does not work. I have heard people say,

"You just made it general enough to agree with whatever the client says".

"You missed the age of when this event occurred. So, The Emotion Code is not accurate, therefore it does not work".

"One practitioner told me that I didn't have a heart wall whereas another practitioner said I did have a heart wall. Now I am wondering if it is an inaccurate form of testing".

"The Emotion Code uses muscle testing which is inaccurate, therefore the work is inaccurate and a hoax".

"The pain was removed temporarily, then the pain came back. I don't believe it really helped me at all".

These comments were made by people I know and I feel terrible that they missed out on the healing power of The Emotion Code. These are some of the issues skeptics raise when they are questioning the validity of the work. We all can appreciate the questions because we know it is healthy to question whether it works or not. However, there isn't a medicinal solution that is exact and provides perfect results in every case.

What I believe is that the skeptic should give whatever the work is an honest chance to resolve their issues. You should ask these questions, but should not quit the work too early. Enough time should be given for results to occur. In my opinion, a reasonable time would be anywhere between 5 to 10 sessions depending on the issues you are trying to resolve and if you are removing the heart wall or not. You may not notice the change until after the first month if it is a relationship or blocks to success issue. Pain issues are more noticeable and are resolved much sooner.

At this point in time after performing hundreds of sessions, I have had the luxury of recalling many experiences such as the following that remind me that there is no other way to explain the results except to give credit to The Emotion Code and that it was in fact the reason for correcting these imbalances and issues. Here is a list of 13 examples of when the emotion code produced positive results:

1. Two trapped emotions released and a lifetime of headaches stopped that very day.

2. An argument stopped right in its tracks as the trapped emotions were released.

3. After a fierce argument, the father lost his voice. The father's voice returned when the last trapped emotion was released.

4. Back pain relieved immediately when the last trapped emotion was removed.

5. Hip pain relieved immediately when the last trapped emotion was removed.

6. High school friend passed away and I trapped the emotion of being "shocked". At the moment, I was not mentally focusing on which emotion was the emotion I personally trapped. it was obvious, when it pointed me there.

7. Even though this lady was trying to have men find interest in her, she had not had any interest from men for months. When we completed a session, she had 2 men interested in her the following day.

8. A man had the "Will to Die" and amazingly when the session ended his entire appearance changed and never spoke of wanting to die again.

9. An obnoxious teenager became pleasant to be around after the session was completed.

10. Hives disappeared after the session was completed.

11. Fear of public speaking disappeared after 3 sessions completed.

12. Chronic pain in the heel and sciatic nerve pain both disappeared immediately.

13. Financial success occurred after sessions of releases.

I know the true skeptic needs to witness these events themselves and still may not believe them when the issues are successfully removed. I invite the skeptic to see for themselves by contacting any Certified Emotion Code Practitioner.

If I didn't witness these events myself, I might have been skeptical also. The truth is that I did witness these events take place with my own eyes and cannot deny that I did see people recover from issues that had plagued them for many years. Yes, the results are not always dramatic and sometimes we don't get to see the correction of our clients issues at all for whatever reason. Although the results are not always completely successful, I personally believe the client is always better off having released trapped emotions that have existed in their bodies. It allows the client to at least, by the process of elimination, move to the next possibility of healing. They will now have the knowledge that the emotions won't be the issue, since they have all been released regarding the issue they are trying to correct.

This is my conclusion. The Emotion Code is unintrusive. It doesn't rely on an outside source to figure out what your issue is. We ask directly what the issue is and the body responds immediately. There is no risk and it is worth a shot at fixing your issue because it just might work. If it doesn't, there was no surgery or medicine involved that your body will now have to overcome. It is completely unintrusive.

I wish you the very best and if you have not given The Emotion Code a chance, it is time.

Do We Rely Too Much On Electronic Parts

Do We Rely Too Much On Electronic Parts

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Do We Rely Too Much On Electronic Parts

Just an innocent question and one that I don't have any for sure answers to but one that deserves at least some thought. I am thinking them number one because my lovely brother-in-law has me writing these joyous articles for him as his employee and also because electronic parts are one of the most frustrating parts for me of the technology boom that has happened in the last 100 (but way more quickly in the last 30) years.

What frustrates me so much about electronic parts? Well for one thing I don't understand them and don't have the power therefore to fix them or to at least know what needs to be fixed, what kind of effort it will be, and maybe most importantly how much it should cost to fix it. It is this way with any system that you don't understand and it frustrates me to no end because people who do understand can't be trusted oftentimes and we end up paying for being ignorant.

Electronic parts also have a habit of breaking at the worst times, and the more we rely on them the worse it is when they unreliably quit working properly. They are so unexpected because often they go from working fine to not working at all. There is no way to do preventative maintenance as a result and so you are always blindsided and left stranded especially if it doesn't happen during convenient business hours.

Another aspect of these frustrating little tools we call electronic parts is that they make the products that we buy that contain them very unreliable from one product to the next. What I am referring to I will try to explain by example. You see right now I am trying to make a wise purchase of a PDA phone and am having trouble as I am getting mixed messages over all on the reviews of the different phones. The problem is that people have such different experiences from one phone to the next in the exact same line and model. This I attribute mainly to the unreliability of the electronic components.

So what are we to do? Well maybe technology should be developed that does give us warning before a part actually fails. Some sort of easy to read meter that gives you a chance to get your car in for a change of the electronic parts are failing. This would make all the difference I believe. The other part of it would be to have more regulation over the parts makers so that they would be forced to produce parts more reliably so that you could be more confident when you buy.

Sabtu, 28 April 2018

Do I Have Post-Partum Depression

Do I Have Post-Partum Depression

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Do I Have Post-Partum Depression


I've just had a baby a three weeks ago and I am feeling really depressed.  Even though the baby is healthy and I have lots of help, I am still not excited about this whole process and I am really down.  My recovery has been difficult and I don't feel like doing anything.  How do I know if Im suffering from post partum depression and what do I do about it?


Mood swings after having a baby are normal.  Feeling depressed, having difficulty bonding and being happy about the baby are also normal, especially if you've had a difficult delivery or surgery.  Hormones are raging during the days and weeks after delivery....even more so than they were during the pregnancy.  Feelings of depression, restlessness and moodiness after giving birth are commonly referred to as the "Baby Blues".  This situation is, fortunately, short term.  As your hormones begin to stablize, you will feel more like your old self and you will enjoy the joys of being a new mother. 

If, however, your symptoms worsen or last longer than a month, you should consult with your doctor.  Symptoms such as prolonged depression or mood swings, feeling guilty about thoughts you are having, being restless, having trouble sleeping, gaining or losing weight suddenly, having crying spells, losing interest in life, and having thoughts about hurting your baby or yourself would indicate that you have post partum depression that needs attention.  You may be more succeptible to post partum depression if you have had depression prior to the pregnancy, have a stressful situation in your life, such as financial stress, new or unstable marriage, or severe PMS, or if there is a family history of depression or other mental illnesses in the family.  

So, try to take an honest look at your current state of mind.  Are you simply exhausted?  Or, do you think it's the "Baby Blues"?  If either of these are the case, you should consider being patient, talking with a loved one and taking care of yourself by sleeping well, eating right and resting as much as possible.  If, however, you believe that your condition is more severe, take action now.  Here are some things you can do to help yourself:

*Eat right, rest and sleep.
*Talk to your doctor and/or a counselor to share the feelings you are having.
*Accept help from family members or friends for housework and babysitting.
*Acknowledge your feelings without guilt.  Write your feelings down in a journal so you can reflect on them later.
*Try to set a goal to accomplish just one task each day.
*Do something that you enjoy.... even if it's just for 15 minutes a day.
*Be realistic.  It's easy to set your goals too high.  You don't have to be supermom.
*Research Post Partum Depression on the internet.  There are a number of quality resources that you can tap into to educate yourself.  
*Consider joining a support group of other new mothers in person or online.

So, it's up to you to evaluate where you are on this spectrum.  If you have any doubts, contact your doctor.  If you have any violent or aggressive feelings at all, make sure that your baby is safe and contact your doctor immediately.

Divorce And The Effects On Kids

Divorce And The Effects On Kids

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Divorce And The Effects On Kids

Face it. Not all relationships last forever. Some are meant to last, and there are those that are simply short-lived. Even marriage is not excluded from the dramas and hassles of breaking up. When married couples finally call it quits, that is when the subject of divorce comes in.

However, when married couples agree to pursue a divorce, the decision is oftentimes based on their emotions and not by logical thinking. Many people tend to become emotional when facing a divorce; they are not entirely thinking or taking into consideration the effects of their decision, especially upon their children.

Soon-to-be-separated couples with no children are lucky, for the process of divorce will be a lot easier for them. Apart from the hassle of haggling with lawyers and surviving the emotional stress of the entire divorce process, parents with children still need to think about the welfare of their kids. In fact, the children should be the first thing that parents should consider when thinking about ending their marriage.

For some couples who intend to get a divorce, they sometimes forget to ask their kids how they feel about it. They fail to see that their children may experience emotional abuse on the entire divorce process. With the separation as a start of a new life for divorced parents, they should try to know their new responsibilities, and this include trying their very best to protect their kids from the negative effects of divorce.

The following are the common effects of divorce on children:

1. The child may feel fear and anxiety on the issue of divorce.

If the children are too young to understand the concept of divorce, then it is most likely that understanding and accepting the whole situation will be a lot easier. However, if teenagers or adolescents are the ones involved, then divorced parents may have to deal with more serious emotional issues. It is possible for teens to be afraid or be anxious about the whole divorce process. They may feel ashamed and conscious on how their peers may react on their new family status or they may scared and unsure of what the future lies for them.

2. The child may feel torn between two parents.

It is very common among divorce issues wherein the child may feel torn between his parents. Divorced couples oftentimes overlook this trauma on their children, for they become obsessed about whom their child should spend the most time with. The child, of course, may feel guilty when choosing between his parents whom he both loved and respected.

To protect children from the negative effects of divorce, parents should:

1. Try to be selective and careful about the information they share with their children.

Remember that every child has different ways to cope with their parents' divorce. Some may take it lightly and others may take it very seriously. This commonly happens when the parents themselves fail to spare their kids from the dirty works of the divorce. Hence, it is best not to include the children in the issues the divorce process.

2. Always be available whenever their child needs them.

Although the divorce requires a lot of time and attention, parents should not forget to spend more time with their children. It is a must for parents to be always present whenever their child wants to talk to them.

To read about how to quit smoking, quit smoking weed, stop smoking weed, what is dysarthria, spastic dysarthria , what causes spastic dysarthria and other information, visit the Health And Nutrition Tips site.

Dishwasher Not Cleaning Dishes It Might Be TIme to Clean it

Dishwasher Not Cleaning Dishes It Might Be TIme to Clean it

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Dishwasher Not Cleaning Dishes It Might Be TIme to Clean it

Dishwasher Not Cleaning Dishes? It Might Be TIme to Clean it

Nothing is more frustrating than a dishwasher that does not wash the dishes. In some cases, the dishwasher is a newer unit and is still not cleaning the dishes.

In fact, 15 percent of new dishwashers break within the first two years. Of these dishwashers that fail, nearly half of them break multiple times.

One of the root causes of these failures may be that the dishwasher is dirty. A dirty dishwasher may clog the drain and prevent it from cleaning properly.

Clearly, the dishwasher not cleaning dishes is a serious problem with long-term consequences. Read on to learn how to clean a dishwasher and prevent these issues from occurring.

What Kind of Problems Does a Dirty Dishwasher Cause

The first problem that a dirty dishwasher will cause is clogged drains and filters. If the drain is not working properly, dirty water is used in the rinse cycles. Clogged drains and filters lead to leaks as well.

Another issue that may occur is dirty dishes. There may be food particles remaining on the dishes after the cycle is over. Also, there may be grease leftover on pans or cup stains.

A bigger issue could be seals that are breaking down in the dishwasher. This happens because of a buildup of grease and food inside. As a result, leaks are often observed by the bottom of the dishwasher door.

Lastly, the dishwasher itself may be visibly dirty and smell bad. The dishwasher may also lose efficiency and take longer to clean dishes thoroughly.

How to Clean the Dishwasher

Although robots are changing the cleaning industry, dishwashers still must be cleaned manually. Most experts agree to clean dishwashers once a month.

There are a number of different ways to clean the dishwasher. Dishwasher magic can be run with a wash cycle along with commercial products or vinegar.

Fill a dishwasher-safe cup with vinegar and place it facing up on the top rack. Vinegar is a great way to remove lingering odors. Also, vinegar is effective in washing away food along with grease buildup.

Some have discovered that stopping the cycle mid-wash helps remove stubborn buildup. This lets the vinegar sit on the bottom where all the drains and grates are. Allow the vinegar to work for half an hour and turn the cycle back on.

Another cleaning step is examining the drain. Remove the bottom rack and make sure the drain is free of debris.

The spinning arms have holes on them that allow water to flow through. These also need to be checked for buildup.

Its important to wipe down the seals as well. As alluded to earlier, degrading seals are a common cause of leaks.

To prevent this, wipe the seals down with a cloth soaked in vinegar. Depending on the dishwasher design, some may need a toothbrush to scrub the hard-to-reach areas.

Dishwasher Not Cleaning Dishes Wrapping It Up

The dishwasher not cleaning dishes is a strong indication that it needs a cleanup. By cleaning the dishwasher once a month, expensive failures can be prevented.

Check out our blog for other great information on home improvement.

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Jumat, 27 April 2018

Different Uses of Diamonds

Different Uses of Diamonds

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Different Uses of Diamonds

Diamond is very popularly known for being used as a gem in jewelry but other than this basic use of diamond there are many other uses of this valuable stone. Diamonds are being used in many industries as well for various operations. Along with being used in the industry, diamonds are also used for some basic general uses.

If you are one of those who believes that diamonds can only be used as a gem in the jewelry market then you must read this article and find the various valuable uses of the diamond. Although there are many sites from where you can buy diamond solitaire, other than this you must be aware of the various other uses of this valuable stone. Let us find some of the uses of diamond other than being used in the jewelry market:

Glass cutting: Small pieces of diamonds are used for cutting glasses. The small portions of diamonds are also used for drilling the rocks. The hardness of the diamond is the main reason why diamonds are preferred for doing such cutting and drilling activities. You must have also heard that a diamond can cut a diamond and that is true. A small portion of diamond can be used for making a cut in large diamond pieces.

Polishing other stones: No matter if a diamond is used in the solid form or in the form of dust, diamond holds a number of uses. The dust of the diamond can be used for polishing other diamonds and precious stones. The dust of the diamond gives an enhanced shine in the other stones.

Tungsten Wires: It may also amaze some of the people that a diamond can also be used in making tungsten wires. The diamond dies are used for the process of making the wires using the lab equipment.

Engrave Stones: According to the well-known site of Hunker, diamonds can be used for engraving stones to various other metals. The various stones that can be engraved are granite, quartz, etc. The workers feel no need for the replacement of engraving bit as the diamond does not break, scratch or damage any of the stones. As a result of the same, the work can be done without any worries or tension.

Electronic Applications: Since diamonds possess a high level of thermal conductivity, therefore, diamonds can be used in various electronic applications to prevent the delicate parts from getting damaged from the heat rays of the sun. The diamonds are used as heat sinks in such electronic applications for repealing away the heat of the sun.

Lapping: Lapping is also a very popular method which uses diamond. In the process of lapping, a diamond slurry is used. The diamond slurry is made by mixing water with a mixture that contains small pieces of diamonds. This diamond slurry is then applied between the two surfaced that needs to be lapped and rubbed for getting results.

Antidote for Poison/Disease: While there is no scientific evidence backing this usage, diamonds are often used as antidotes in various places for poisons or diseases. The belief that eating diamonds would ward off illness stems from the days of the plague. The lower classes felt the deadly effects of the plague before the upper classes did, a result of their inferior health care and dirtier living conditions. However, many poor people came to the conclusion that it was the diamonds that the wealthy people were swallowing that were keeping them healthy.

Heat Sinks: A heat sink is a component in an electronic system that cools it by eliminating heat and mixing into the surrounding. Diamonds have a high thermal conductivity that means they are very good heat conductors and diamonds are used as a good tool for heat sinks.

Different Materials For Outdoor Furniture

Different Materials For Outdoor Furniture

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Different Materials For Outdoor Furniture

Whichever approach one takes to the modern-day landscaping and outdoor decoration market, there is no denying that rattan garden furniture is the most popular type of outdoor furniture, and one of the most popular types of landscaping items in general. With their versatile nature, weather resistance, sturdy build and low maintenance requirements, items made from both natural and synthetic rattan have taken over the landscaping market to such an extent that many home-owners never even consider the possibility that there may be other, different materials for outdoor furniture.

Yet, popular as it is, rattan garden furniture is by no means the only type of outdoor furniture available on the market. On the contrary, there are a number of different materials for outdoor furniture, both natural and synthetic, which may be good alternatives to rattan for home-owners less fond of this material. This article goes over a few of the most common.

Natural Materials

Natural fibres have traditionally been some of the most popular and widespread among the different materials for outdoor furniture, and that is a trend which continues to this day. As popular as synthetic fibres have become in recent years, there is still a certain charm to natural materials which causes many home-owners to choose them over their man-made counterparts even despite the significantly higher degree of care and maintenance they require.

Most of the clout natural materials hold as bases for both indoor and outdoor furniture stem from their long production history. Some of the fibres used to produce outdoor furniture in the 21st century are exactly the same used by the Ancient Egyptians when they first began using the technique of weaving, several centuries before Christ. This traditional aspect is appealing to most home-owners, and goes a long way towards explaining the significant popularity these materials continue to enjoy to this day.

Among the many different materials for outdoor furniture which can be farmed from a natural source are straw, bamboo, cane, and of course rattan, as well as certain types of reeds. These are all materials which have been used extensively throughout the centuries to make not only furniture, but also wicker baskets and other accessories, a trend which also continues to this day.

Synthetic Materials

Aside from the natural fibres detailed in the lines above, there exist a number of different materials for outdoor furniture which are entirely man-made.

Of these, resin-based synthetic rattan is of course the most popular, as well as the most widespread across public consciousness; however, unlike what many home-owners might think, not every rattan garden furniture item is made of the same type of synthetic polymer. Much to the contrary, rattan items on the market can be made out of any one of four types of resin: polyethylene, polypropylene, PVC or nylon.

Each of these materials possesses its own set of strengths and weaknesses, so home-owners are advised to check which one would best suit their needs before purchase, if at all possible. However, despite their differences, all of these materials also share a few common traits, such as weather resistance, sturdiness and low maintenance requirements, which make them firm favourites among British home-owners. This is a large part of the reason why rattan garden furniture continues to be the best-selling type of outdoor furniture across the western world, even despite the existence of the numerous other options listed in this article.

Even still, it is clear that there are a number of different materials for outdoor furniture at home-owners disposal, beyond synthetic rattan; and while none of them looks set to topple the hegemony rattan garden furniture has over the outdoor market, they nonetheless constitute valid alternatives for home-owners looking for something different.

Differences Between Female Writers and Male Writers in the 1700's

Differences Between Female Writers and Male Writers in the 1700's

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Differences Between Female Writers and Male Writers in the 1700's

The writing of men and women in American literature vary in many different ways. The reason for these differences is pretty easy to explain. The major reason behind the difference in writing styles, writing mediums, and overall subject matter in lies in the different experiences that men and women were facing throughout the 18th and early 19th century.

While men were out on conquest conquering and desecrating a new world, women were moving to a new land, creating a new life, and were expected to maintain that life for themselves, as well as their families. In the case of the differences between female and male writers of early American history, the main differences in writing style/writing medium as well as overall subject matter, comes from individual stereotypical gender expectations.

The first major difference that can be seen when reading male literature of this period, over female literature comes in the writing styles that are chosen. For most men during this time period the proper way to write was often a very flowery and ornate as in seen in the writing style of Thomas Morton, the style of a Cavalier. These types of writers wrote under the authority of the king and typically sounded very proper and were known for using prose. This is seen in Chapter IV from book one of The English Cannon, "They use not to winter and summer in one place, for that would be a reason to make fuell scarse; but, after the manner of the gentry of Civilized Natives remove for their pleassures..." (296, Heath Anthology)

In most female writing, however, the writing was less prose and a lot more poetry, as is seen in the writing style of Anne Bradstreet. Bradstreet wrote in a style completely opposite of Morton called Puritan Plain Style. This particular style was not ornate as Cavalier was. It involved the absence of flowery writing and instead was more straightforward. Bradstreet especially got away from the practice of prose and instead included poetic diction as is seen in her poem, "The Author to her Book." Thou ill-formed offspring of my feeble brain, Who after birth didst by my side remain, Till snatched from thence by friends, less wise than true, Who thee abroad, exposed to public view... In the first four lines of the poem the reader can see the presentation of rhyme, whereas Morton has none, thus bringing home the true differences in writing styles. The reason for this difference has a lot to do with a woman's overall independence when writing. Where a man was forced to maintain a certain level of respectability, according to the social writing of the time, a woman was given less structure concerns and more ability to step out and into different stylistic capabilities without fear of retribution, mainly because her writing, unlike a man's writing, would never have been considered for publication to begin with.

The biggest difference between male and female writers of this time period lies in the subject matter for which they wrote. Male writers, as was mentioned before, came to America with a different mission than that of female writers. The male writers typically were interested in the exploration and commercial aspects of this new found territory as is seen in every male writer covered thus far in this course. For instance, all of the male Spanish writers from lvar Nez Cabeza de Vaca to Adriaen van der Donck either wrote about descriptions of the new land, the Natives peoples who populated it, or the potential that the land itself processed.

This can easily be seen in Vaca's book Relation of Alvar Nez Cabeza de Vaca, "The country where we came on shore to this town and region of Appalachian, is for the most part level, the ground of sand and stiff earth (142, Heath Anthology)." Obviously this is a description of the land that they have arrived on. As the book carries on we also see the description of the Native people's shows, "From the island of Malhado to this land, all the Indians whom we saw have the custom from the time in which their wives find themselves pregnant, of not sleeping with them until two years after they have given birth (147, Heath Anthology)." Women on the other hand showed a different interest upon entering this new world.

Instead of writing about the explorative nature of traveling to the New World, they focused on the actual aspect of survival. Mary Rowlandson's works are a prime example of this as is seen in her famous narrative, Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs Mary Rowlandson. In this narrative Rowlandson talks about her experiences being a captive to a Native American tribe. As I was sitting once in the wigwam here, Philip's maid came in with the child in her arms, and asked me to give her a piece of my apron, to make a flap for it. I told her I would not. Then my mistress bade me give it, but still I said no. The maid told me if I would not give her a piece, she would tear a piece off it. I told her I would tear her coat then. With that my mistress rises up, and take up a stick big enough to have killed me, and struck at me with it. But I stepped out, and she struck the stick into the mat of the wigwam. But while she was pulling of it out I ran to the maid and gave her all my apron, and so that storm went over (446, Heath Anthology).

This type of writing shows how personal female writers were over male writers. Whereas men focused on only the aspect of exploration, women focused on the concept of living in this new and sometimes hospitable world. Rowlandson shows the dangerous aspect of a woman's life in the America's but this was not the only view that women had. This is seen in Sarah Kemble Knights writings, which focus on the more homeward bound aspect of the female colonist life. It appears that the main differences between male and female writers all come from the same general reason. That reasoning, although stereotypical, was predominant in its time. Men and women had different places, where the man was in charge of colonization, the woman was in charge of the home environment and that environments survival. Because of this, the writings of men and women of the time differed.

Where men wrote of their colonization and, perhaps, destructive process, women wrote about the plight they were handed. They wrote of their pain, they wrote of their time spent in captivity, and in the home, they basically wrote about what they knew, just as men wrote about what they knew. In the case of the difference between male and female writers of the early colonization period of America, it is obvious to see that men and women wrote differently because of the hand they were dealt in the card game of life.

Kamis, 26 April 2018

Diagnosis Code for Knee Pain

Diagnosis Code for Knee Pain

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Diagnosis Code for Knee Pain

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Diagnosis code for knee pain thats what you are looking for? If you discover that the indicators dont go away, discontinue use. Keep in mind that nausea is among the symptoms one experiences. The diagnosis may often be missed unless its suspected. The truth is that by applying this modifier, it doesnt need a different diagnosis reported.

Diagnosis code for knee pain. Normally the drug is provided by mouth for a pill or liquid. There are currently a variety of rather effective prescription drugs that are indicated for pain. Dont forget, just as it can be gotten without a prescription doesnt mean its weak or ineffective. Medications may also make an impact on your childs oral wellbeing and development. These medications might be used in the treatment of children with arthritis and relevant problems. There arent any particular medicines that could cure hepatitis E. Therefore, treatment of hepatitis E is centered on dealing with any indicators or complications which may occur. It is extremely important to seek advice from your doctor when initial signs of the condition are felt.

Based on the seriousness of nerve damage, the pain may resolve speedily or alternatively dont have any result. Its a frequent reason for elbow pain, especially in tennis or squash players. It can cut back pain and boost function. Fortunately, ordinarily, mild joint pain isnt serious. Cold sores, also referred to as fever blisters, are brought on by herpes simplex virus.

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There are various causes of bowel obstruction. Uveitis, nevertheless, is uncommon, hence the eyes just need to be checked only once per year in these types of children. The patella wasnt damaged. Not one of the meds appeared to be in a position to control the extreme obsessiveness. Decreased libido, impotence, and hair loss result from testosterone deficiency, and amenorrhea results from estrogen deficiency. The terrible news is the fact that it has an issue. It is among the most frequently prescribed SAARDs for kids with JRA.

Prostate cancer has become the most frequent kind of cancer in men. It can assist the arthritis in addition to the systemic illness in many children. Gout is among those blind sided things.

An attack may endure for no more than 15 minutes to up to 15 hours. It is vital that its treated quickly otherwise permanent nerve damage may happen. A minor automobile accident could lead to a spinal fracture. Injuries are the most frequent source of knee troubles. A systemic illness is one which impacts the full individual or body systems. Because of this, its most effective to attempt to avoid infection in the very first place. Fevers and shivers appear to be inseparable.

In the event you decide not to find medical assistance, you should re-evaluate your condition regularly, to make sure that you arent putting yourself in any danger. If you believe that something is simply not right, tell us. It is significantly more than that. It will return around. Chronic disease places increased demands on a youngsters body and makes a demand for extra calorie intake.

Allows you time to advertise and promote your services. The previous day I opted for ibuprofen as opposed to morphine. It is possible to go back to work after some days but wont be in a position to drive for approximately two weeks. Its wise to leave it down for a couple days and brush it or vacuum this up to do away with the dead fleas.

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Uric acid is truly a normal consequence of your bodys metabolism. Your damaged tissue is waiting there prepared to absorb each one of the advantages of greater blood flow but your body isnt able to stay informed about the demand of what your tissue requirements. Its important to be aware the ultrasound doesnt have any x-ray hazards.

Your son or daughters health-care team includes many unique specialists working with each other to offer your son or daughter an entire treatment program. Your experience may be different, though. Everybodys experience differs. The most significant issue is to focus on your body to determine what causes inflammation and what doesnt. The simplest thing to keep in mind is hand washing.

The response is most likely yes. Joint problems can develop into an important long-term symptom. Although both are skin troubles and have slightly similar symptoms, theres zero similarity in regards to causes, appearance and treatment. Issues regarding the gallbladder happen when the stream of bile becomes blocked in the bile duct. It is recommended that you attempt to fix the cases without reading the answer-options beforehand, as this offers you a more un-biased means of studying the training cases. With my case being `unusual I want to really know whats going on. This condition can lead to lameness. Thank you for reading an article about diagnosis code for knee pain.

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Depression and Mind over Matter

Depression and Mind over Matter

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Depression and Mind over Matter

The words "mind over matter" are more than just three words randomly strung together to make something that sounds somewhat sensible. "Mind over matter" is more than just a myth, because there are times when a person's state of mind has considerable effects on matters of the flesh. Performance anxiety can make someone do a sub-par job on physical activities, like missing critical free throws and over-extending left jabs. Mental health can have an effect on a person's physical performance, with certain issues having more noticeable effects than others. As an example, there is the connection between depression and sexual impotence.

Impotence is one of those problems that an increasing number of men have difficulty coming to terms with. It takes a significant amount of courage to even consider talking to a physician about the possibility of a problem. It can even be harder to admit to others that the problem is there, whether they are undergoing treatment for it or not. Sexual impotence as seen as being highly damaging to the measure of a man, by modern socio-cultural standards. Fear of failure and extremely stressful situations can wear down a man's ability to "get it up," but very few can make the problem as long-term as depression can.

In what might be the worst possible case of "mind over matter" than any red-blooded male can imagine, depression can effectively cripple a man's ability to function sexually. The emotional problems caused by depression can have serious effects on the hormones and biochemical transmitters that the body uses to signal or initiate an erection. Obviously, if a man can't attain a proper erection - or has difficulty maintaining it long enough to be of any importance - then he's going to be classified as impotent. Sadly, if the problem is left untreated long enough, there's a very good chance that the condition would just worsen.

Once a man begins to believe he has entered a state of sexual impotence, he may actually become even more depressed. This is because of a psychological loss of gender identity as dictated by socio-cultural factors. With equal rights and women's liberation, men have lost the part of "manliness" that involved being the sole provider for one's family and loved ones, forcing a socio-psychological focus to rest on that other aspect that supposedly defines masculinity. Essentially, society has made men think that to be classified as men, they have to be virile and sexually potent. Once they lose that critical part of their gender identity, then life just starts to go downhill that bit faster for them on a psychological level. This, in turn, not only worsens his relationships but also makes it harder for him to overcome his impotence.

There are drugs to help fight impotence, but those drugs are often best suited to treating men who have problems rooted in the body. Lack of proper circulation, damage to muscle tissue, and a variety of other physical ailments can also cause impotence. Implants and corrective surgery can fix those issues, but they are likely to do little for a man with problems deeply rooted in his own mind. For that, physical repairs may have some appreciable change, but they won't have the same impact that they normally do unless the mind is also given proper treatment and care.



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You always knew there ought to be a name for it - the state of mind suffered only by men, related to women and or work... and not be fully living.

I have a word to coin. One that's likely been in your life at some point, if only for a day, or a week, or a month. It blocked your ability to meet women, but not to be out and about socially. It thwarted your sense of pride in your work, but not enough to prevent you from getting out of bed every morning to take the bus to that office cubicle.

Its DEPRESCULINITY - an interesting word, isnt it?

You already know what it means I suspect. If you are a man, you have very likely felt it at some point of your life, if even for an hour or a day or a week.

As the name might imply, it has something to do with depression, and also something to do with masculinity, which is of course of interest to men. It is a situation specific to men and which only men would find themselves in.

This is not a newsletter or a site for actual healthcare. Its about discussing issues that are important to men. In kind, leaving aside clinical diagnoses, Im sure there was a time in your life that you just felt bad about yourself, about how your life is going, you wish there had been more for you, and you maybe didnt even have the words for what you were experiencing.

It didnt feel like something you felt the desire to go get checked it just felt blah, like you could still go to work, socialize or have friendships, but there was just a gnawing sensation that something was missing for you.

At times in the past newsletters and even the Mature Masculine Power Program I have talked about Joseph Campbells heros journey, and how a feature of that model of growing the life of a man has periods in it he called The Wasteland.

The Wasteland
These times were challenging, where the hero doubts himself, is on the losing end of his quest, and is very uncertain about what to do to overcome the setback, or how things will turn out.

If youve ever wondered about this and what to call it, chances are you were suffering from a hit to both your self-esteem felt sad or angry or fearful and ALSO felt a hit to your very sense of masculinity itself. Your identity as a man who feels solidly on his own two feet.

Thats what Im calling DEPRESCULINITY, and theres no medicine for it (because its about your specific social and career challenges, not a clinical set of symptoms.)

Theres no routine advice about it that applies to everyone in a cookie-cutter way (it does not apply to women.)

DEPRESCULINITY needs to be recognized for what it is something that happens in the actual narrative story of your life, and which one could say takes specific masculine skills and competence male life lessons with which to overcome it.

These are the type of skills and lessons that a father might deliver.

Like the material in the Mature Masculine Power Program, it has to do with initiation into being a man, and with your sense of mastering those skills socially, vocationally, and personally that one could say are specific to men only.

Lets look a little more closely at whats at work, and whats at stake in this situation we are calling, Depresculinity

Depression is quite well-known of course in terms of what causes it, cures it, or at least tries to, but that's not what we are talking about here. For that, go to a local professional. Instead, we are talking about a vague sense that something isn't quite working for you, that you feel like you could be more vigorous, vital, and excited about who you are, and that feeling you sense to be something only men in the same shoes share with you.

If you looked to your emotions, you might feel a bit sad, and perhaps also just abit worried or concerned, but not enough so as to feel that you need to take off work - there are bills to pay after all. Not enough that you stop socializing or talking to friends - they actually make you feel quite a bit better, at least when you are around them in person.

This experience of sadness and of worry or fear are looked at in great detail in the Anger Map and Anxiety Map of the MindOS Mastery Program.

In there, you find that it's self-esteem we are talking about - what I define as both a sense of well-being, and of confidence in equal measures. Yet you know well that walking around with poor self-esteem is not necessarily something that can get labelled an out-and-out DEPRESSION.

It's not THAT severe a problem emotionally, but you just sense that it DOES impact your life, your performance, both in terms of women and work.

And that's where what I call the "Equation of Masculinity" walks in...

Masculinity is a word you have certainly heard, and always kind of knew what it meant, at least in general. A kind of energy, or vitality, but also something to do with your sense of identity as a man. You know that it is a good thing for a man to have, and feels terrible when diminished, or otherwise "cut off from" being available in you at the ready.

We actually try to go far more into PRECISELY defining it, breaking it into its working parts, showing how they interconnect and support the other components of it, and revolutionize the power and effectiveness of your life - in the Mature Masculine Power Program.

However you have defined the word in the past, or if you've never bothered, it has something to do with this equation:

Masculinity = Skill With Women + Progress on a Career Mission

There it is, right from the MMP training program.

There is a LOT built into this equation even though it looks like a simple thing. I said, "simple," not "simplistic."

When you have learned something new about women, or appealed to them more than before, it feels pretty good, doesn't it? You might even say it feels GREAT. In fact, it's beyond great - it feels like being completely alive, completely passionate about life - much like falling in love.

Likewise, when you make progress in your career - something major, like a raise, a new job more attuned to who you are, or even something minor and subtle (a bigger office, a title just a bit more like what you always wanted to grow up to be when you were a boy, it feels good, right?

No, beyond good. It's great! No, it feels like "really living," like being ALIVE, feeling passionate about life itself. It's good to be alive.

It turns out that all the things we know as masculine are also built in here - a sense of leadership and territory, an ambition to WIN in competition, a need to be on a team all striving for the same goal. They are here too.

It's just that "winning" a game of checkers, or "owning" your half of a shared bathroom as a roommate, or being on a knitting "team" don't carry anywhere near as "OOMPH" as "winning" a new job, or "winning over" the woman you have liked for months, "owning" your first house or the business you run, or being out with other single friends meeting women, or a sports team that just won the regional community hockey championship.

Now THOSE get you feeling ALIVE and full of passion for life.

Clearly, the variables in the equation matter - those specific variables. While competition, territory, rank, teamwork, and leadership are all part of being a man, what they are applied to makes all the difference in terms of feeling what we mean by this word, "passion."

What does it mean to feel the opposite flavor of this word, "passion?"

If you re-read the section above, you'll see that it is one in the same as feeling not only a bit "less than alive," but less MASCULINE, or in touch with and in command of "masculinity."

And that is what I mean by Depresculinity - feeling less alive as a man, less vital, less passionate for life as you know or wish you could be.

Certainly the word, "passion" has pertained to the area of romance, and everything you could ever want to know about romance, romantic passion, attraction, dating, courtship, relationships, marriage and the minds of women are spoken to in the men's training course called the Omega Male Program.

Yet notice how the word, "passion" is also about the experience of just being alive, vitality itself - which is to say more than just "surviving" or "getting by." It's about "being the man," being the best you can be, or headed in that direction.

Fathers Help Sons Feel Alive
For many men, there is a connection to their fathers here, to mentorship with them, to learning skills and competence from them (or not), and ultimately a sense of the passion of "aliveness" in the activities you have chosen as your vocation (just as your father once had to do, and his father, and his father...)

You get a sense of belonging to a heritage in this way as a man - through your career choice and the involvement (or not) of your father and a whole lineage of men, in that

When you are cut off from that heritage, that lineage, that ancestral "team" in the way we have been today, there is an ennui, a loss of passion, and by extension, a diminished access to the masculinity that you want in your being.

In past times, there were initiation rituals for example which memorialized this "passing of the torch" to you, all of which we address in the Mature Masculine Power Program.

See these subtle things - a reduction of self-esteem, which may not be out and out clinical depression, yet is nevertheless NOT HAPPY - and a reduction in your access, cultivation, and strengthening of your own level of masculinity... a CUT-DOWN of it occurring in the areas of WOMEN and or WORK...

...And you have a recipe for the felt sense of Depresculinity.

Something to Start Doing About It
One of the most common problems in personal growth is that you have a sense that something's wrong, you know ought to or wish you could DO something about it, but when it got right down to the matter, you really didn't know
WHAT was wrong, or therefore HOW to do something to fix it.

It would take labelling the thing in order to know what to even call it, and then breaking it down into its parts to actually DO something about it.

Regardless, if you were to look at a period of your life, either right now, or from the past, when you didnt feel so good about how things were going, you could take a try at learning something new here:

You were not in a situation where you couldnt manage to go to work, or socialize, or spend time with friends (for that, its good to get local, professional help), but instead it was just rather a feeling that things were not so great, and you just knew there was something more for you. You just werent sure what it was

In Depresculinity, theres a vague sense of not feeling as vital as you could, and perhaps you didnt know where to start.

Start with these and if you havent already, youll find them in a combo of the MindOS Mastery Program , Omega Male, and
Mature Masculine Power Program:

1. Well-being: There are needs not met in life, and you feel hungry in a way. You want more of your needs met. Define what they are.
2. Confidence: There are fears you have, and you havent addressed or faced them head-on. Define what they are.
3. Skill with Women: There are skills to build here, whether in approaching women for dates, communicating effectively, knowing what the right kind of woman is for you, or perhaps youre even in a relationship and dont feel like the man in it. Define these.
4. Progress on Career Mission: There are challenges you havent managed to rise to, obstacles to overcome, bars to reach, or victories to win. You sense that there are skills and resources to build to be more fit to make that happen. Define these.

If you dont have the time, then you dont have to do this. At least youve achieved clarity on WHAT causes the "Depresculinity" feeling - this not-so-good experience.

Yet if you do have the time to do this, and it's not a rush, try these four:

1. Assertiveness to get a need or two met maybe more sleep or exercise, make a friend, or get some work done youve been putting off.
2. Courage to face a fear, even if you start with a small one, like smiling more at people, or speaking up in public, or disagreeing with someone of minor impact on your life.
3. A trial run at trying a skill or two with women you think you lack, and even if it doesnt go well, you know that you cared enough to try and learned something from it.
4. An action in your career that you know will move things even a little bit forward to your career goals a study course, a phone call, some paperwork youve been delaying.

You will have made an actual move in the four known causes of Depresculinity that I identify, and Id be willing to bet you feel at least a measurable bit better, and in a lasting way.

Rinse, repeat. And at a pace and degree you can handle.

Numbers one and two above are fully covered in the Anger Map and Anxiety Map of the MindOS Mastery Course .

Number three is covered like an avalanche in the Omega Male Program.

And both three and four are covered by the Mature Masculine Power Program.

And to master every detail of this hidden male-only depression called Depresculinity, be sure to attend a live event or get the disc course called Depresculinity .

Rabu, 25 April 2018

Cremation and a Columbarium Starter Kit in the Small Church

Cremation and a Columbarium Starter Kit in the Small Church

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Cremation and a Columbarium Starter Kit in the Small Church

As long as there have been churches and buildings used for religious purposes there have been people wishing for their remains to be interred or inured within or nearby. When one looks back at religious histories, there have been a number of high church officials buried within the floor of the church. Over the years and perhaps as much for the reason that there was so much more land available than today, cemeteries have been built and maintained. There are many church cemeteries in existence today. Many have increasing operating and maintenance costs while many are closed. One thing is certain, new church cemeteries for burial are rarely being started.

So what is the answer? Especially for a smaller church with perhaps a limited operating budget. Cremation is a custom as old as the earliest recorded history. It probably began, in any measurable number, during the early Stone Age or around 3000 B.C. Today, 32 percent of U.S. deaths result in cremation. It is over 50 percent in several states. The trend toward cremation is growing but what about the smaller church with interest in starting a columbarium project. Where and how is such a project started?

The Internet is full of companies that advertise columbariums for sale and many who offer installation packages. In fact at my last look, there were 10,500 web sites dealing with the product. Many of the columbariums offered are massive in size and some are massive in cost. Most of those offered are designed for outdoor installations and are part of a "wall system" that does not allow for the niches to be built in increments. Many of them require a tremendous cash outlay upfront.

So, as I discuss the following system, keep in mind certain words and phrases, i.e., wall system, outdoors, large niches, big cash outlay, and add on as needed.

What about a columbarium that contains nine niches in the space occupied by a regular double niche for two urns? Sounds impossible! What about a nine niche module that is warranted for 50 years? This module is 12 inches high, 12 inches wide and 16 inches from front to back. Again, it sounds impossible!

Infinity Memorial Systems offers such a system. It is a corporation with nationwide distributors. You can check out their system by going to Again, there are certain words and phrases that should be noted as one considers "the small church and starter kits."

"Reduced use of space" - a nine niche module the size of a regular, single niche.

"Lower capitalization" - a much smaller initial outlay of funds as opposed to a wall unit that is not necessary to begin the process.

"Self-funding" - buy additional nine niche modules as the need arises.

"Secure and low-maintenance" - place inside the church narthex temporarily until there is a need for an outdoor wall or structure. Again, remember the 50 year warranty.

"Indoor or outdoor" - can be retained inside the church because of its size and added too or placed outdoors within a wall or structure as the need for several niche modules become obvious.

"Moveable niche units" - just as the words state, even though the units are heavy, they can be moved if or as the need arises.

If congregation members were polled today, it is very likely that there would be several people who would step forward and say something like - "Yes, I have certain family ashes on my mantle and I'm not sure what to do with them." Probably, they would be happy to have them inurned in a church columbarium if one existed in their church.

The columbarium referred to is the answer for a small church without a large cash outlay and yet all the things people look for in a columbarium are there and then some. And, just because this article has highlighted a need in smaller congregations does not mean that the system discussed would not be very cost effective and perfect for any size church. It is a good way to get started and to have a self-funded project which grows with increasing needs.

Creative Ways to Use Geomats in Your Garden

Creative Ways to Use Geomats in Your Garden

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Creative Ways to Use Geomats in Your Garden

In order to keep your garden in perfect shape, you need to protect it against soil erosion that results from exposure to the elements. This can be done with geomats, synthetic fiber materials designed specifically for this purpose. Thanks to firm matrix of fibers, geomats can keep the soil placed above in its place and drastically decrease the rate of its removal. They are increasingly popular as landscaping tools and can be used to shore up sensitive areas, such as river banks or canals, or improve functionality of privately owned gardens or lawns.

Lets discuss some possible applications of this practical technology that can transform your garden into a pleasurable place that remains in great condition year after year.

Stabilizing the garden bed

Depending on the location of your garden and the quality of its soil, the danger of erosion could be quite significant. In some cases, use of geomats is necessary to stabilize the bed and ensure that plants wont be left without the sufficient amount of support. Positioning geomats in strategic places can ensure that all parts of your garden remain firmly fixed and resistant to wind and rain, reducing the need for constant maintenance and soil restoration. Needless to say, a garden that relies on synthetic-fiber elements for stabilization will preserve its original beauty for a long time, without any visible hint of artificial intervention. From the outside, your garden will look perfectly natural, as the geomats will be completely covered from above.

Creating elevated terraces

Alternatively, you could use geomats proactively to enlarge your garden and gain additional room for crops or flowers. One good idea is to use the age-tested terraced model, with cascading platforms stacked one above another and access paths cut between them. This form of landscaping allows a lot of freedom, and you can form elevated surfaces even if the original terrain was completely flat. By introducing multiple terraces and organizing them in a creative way, you can dream up an elaborate structure that fits your fancy. At the same time, adding new section allows you to diversify the content of your garden, growing separate plants on individual terraces or mixing them up for visual effect.

Maintaining gentle slopes

If your property is located on a hill side, geomats can be used to smoothen up the inclination and make any paths or causeways easier to navigate. Alternatively, you can also build up a gentle slope leading up to the house, ensuring a magnificent view of the whole yard. Managing the angle at which your garden lays can greatly improve both practical and aesthetic aspects of your garden, making access to all corners easier and turning it into a pleasant oasis where you sometimes spend time with your friends. With geomats, you can rest assured that the terrain configuration wont change spontaneously and ruin the intended layout your garden.

Protecting trees

Soil erosion can be a particularly big problem if your garden features one or more prominent trees. If the top layer is removed by wind, the root system could become exposed. To prevent this, you should stabilize the ground around the trees with geomats, fixing the upper layer in place while allowing the tree sufficient space and moisture to feed and grow. In this way, you can keep the ground under the tree suitable for human use, and possibly even position garden tables or other utilities to take advantage of the shade. The synthetic fiber elements will be fully integrated into the soil and wont block surface water from reaching the roots, but wont allow larger particles to be swept away.

Coworking Space Just Another Word for Office or a New Way of Working

Coworking Space  Just Another Word for Office or a New Way of Working

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Coworking Space  Just Another Word for Office or a New Way of Working

What Is Coworking?

Coworking is a setup that sees multiple people sharing the same working environment even though each of them has their own independent activities separate from that of the others. This is in contrast to more orthodox examples of working environments, which tend to be shared by multiple people working for the same organization. As a result, a coworking space is not just another word for an office but rather a set of facilities meant to support a new way of working.

In brief, coworking spaces have been becoming more and more abundant in recent times for the simple reason that non-traditional ways of working have increased in popularity. This can be seen in how many people have been heading out to start businesses of their own, much as how many people have been becoming independent contractors for a wide range of organizations instead of full-time employees for a single organization. Regardless, it is clear that based on these trends, coworking spaces have a bright future ahead of them.

Why Should Coworking Interest Entrepreneurs?

Here are some of the reasons that coworking spaces should interest entrepreneurs:

Coworking spaces are meant to facilitate people doing their work, so it should come as no surprise to learn that they come with all of the things that people need to do their jobs. As a result, they are an excellent solution for entrepreneurs who need a place to work but cannot set up their own office space at the moment.
Most people find coworking spaces to be better for their morale than staying at home. In part, this is because such working environments have been laid out in a manner that is much more useful for promoting effective and efficient work. However, it should also be noted that other people use coworking spaces as well, thus providing users with the human company that they can't get if they choose to stay at home.
On a related note, the people who use coworking spaces can still collaborate to an extent even if they are not working for the same organizations, which can be useful for those who like having the input of others. Likewise, coworking spaces are actually surprisingly useful places for people to network, thus providing them with plenty of opportunities to find more work to do in the future.

With that said, it is important to note that entrepreneurs have other reasons to be interested in coworking spaces. After all, where there is a demand for a particular product or service, there is profit that can be made by satiating said demand. In other words, entrepreneurs who are sorting through the possibilities for their own business should give some serious consideration to starting a coworking space.

How Can Coworking Entrepreneurs Maximize Their Chances of Success?

Of course, there are a number of ways that entrepreneurs can go about starting their own coworking space. For example, they could strike out on their own so as to maintain the maximum degree of control over their own creation. However, they could also start a coworking office franchise, which is the path that will provide them with the maximum chances of success.

This is because running a successful coworking space calls for specialized expertise and experience. Although entrepreneurs can collect these resources on their own before starting their own coworking space, starting a coworking franchise will provide them with a faster and surer path to the same destination by granting them access to all of the expertise and experience that have been accumulated by the franchisor over the course of its operations.

Better still, a coworking franchise comes with other forms of support such as contacts, marketing, and skills training, which might not be as specialized as the particulars of running such a business but should be considered just as important to its successful operations nonetheless. Summed up, starting a coworking space franchise means that entrepreneurs receive the best possible start for their businesses, which can be a critical advantage when entrepreneurship is as high-risk as it is.

Further Considerations

With that said, interested individuals should make sure to learn more about owning a coworking space franchise before making the decision to do so. After all, if they are to make the best decision for their personal interests, they need to be informed about the costs and benefits. Fortunately, coworking franchises understand this, which is why they are willing to answer questions.

Selasa, 24 April 2018

Convert Your Garage Into a Living Space

Convert Your Garage Into a Living Space

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Convert Your Garage Into a Living Space

A garage conversion, or turning your garage into a livable space, is considered a great choice by interior designers and one of the quickest ways of adding square footage to your home. 

In addition to being one of the efficient ways that you can add perhaps a few hundred feet in square footage to your home, a garage conversion also happens to be affordable and within the scope of most peoples' current skill set.

You've probably already thought about a garage conversion already but weren't quite sure where to start or if you should take the plunge solo, right? The surprising thing is that converting your garage can add up to an incredible 10% to your home value. In terms of cost/benefit, that's excellent. 

Well, considering that you're starting out with anything but a blank slateif you have a garage on your property then you likely already have the foundation, flooring and walls that you'll need moving forwarda garage conversion can definitely be a winning idea. Here's where to start: 

Take an Inventory of the Basics 

Most garages will probably already be sitting on an uninsulated concrete slab, which depending on your usage might need to be modified slightly to turn your garage into a habitable, comfortable living space. 

Especially when building inspectors are involved (more on that below), insulating and damp proofing your garage's existing flooring should probably be the first logistical step that most homeowners take in converting their garage. 

If you want to work directly with your garage's existing concrete slab flooring, then you'll have to clean up any oil spills you find and fill in cracks with a robust patching compound before installing classy yet durable flooring options like tile or ceramic. 

If you're going to be using something like timber, though, then look into things like polyethylene sheeting, damp proofing and slightly raising the floor of your garage to accommodate these changes. 

Moving onto the walls, if your walls are already insulated with drywall and insulating material, then you should be good to go.

If not, consider installing drywall between the studs; spray-foam insulator can also be a serviceable complement to uninsulated drywall. Just remember to run electrical wiring before closing up the wall! 

Check Your Local Regulations 

The nice thing about garage renovations is that you usually don't have to get planning permission from anyone before you proceed.

Listed buildings might be an exception, and you may need to check if transitioning your standalone garage to a habitable living space will require planning permission.

If you have to file a change of use petition, you may have to ensure that things like ventilation, insulation and structural integrity all check out. 

In certain areas, a building inspector might drop by and OK your plans for garage renovation and ultimately award you with a certificate of completion.

Whether or not you have to deal with a building inspector, make sure that you think through what you want the walls, flooring and ceiling to look like once you're completed. If you dont want to do it by yourself, there are garage door installation services that you can also look into.

Assess Your Garage Door 

The most seamless way to blend your garage with the rest of your home would obviously be to start with one that's already connected.

That ends up solving a ton of issues right off the bat since one of the biggest issues that homeowners face when confronting a garage conversion is what to do about a bulky garage door. 

One way that some people get around this hurdle is by replacing their garage door with French doors that allow natural light to enter you're newly renovated living space and look great for when you have guests over.

Another option, and this works especially well if your garage is already connected to your home, is replacing your garage door with solid doors of your choosing or a series of windows. Casement or picture windows and/or sliding glass doors are great for garage renovations. 

An infill wall is another way that you might negotiate the absence of a garage door, but just as many homeowners choose to keep their garage doors and convert their connected garage into an indoor/outdoor party space replete with couches and more of an industrial flare.

Conversational Hypnosis How To Hypnotize Women.

Conversational Hypnosis How To Hypnotize Women.

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Conversational Hypnosis How To Hypnotize Women.

There's no point being shy about this is there? There are plenty of red blooded men, and some women to, who would love to be able to hypnotize women. However it should be said that hypnosis is not gender specific. These techniques would work just as well for women who want to seduce men or gay men. However, for our purposes here we are primarily discussing how to hypnotize women. So what do we mean by hypnosis and is it possible?

Firstly there are really two distinct forms of hypnosis. The first can be termed 'clinical hypnosis.' This usually takes place in a clinical setting and is essentially a form of psychological treatment that aims to help people overcome psychological disorders or problematic behaviors. This is an extremely common and widely used form of support for a variety patients from all walks of life. However this article concerns itself with the second kind of hypnosis, the more controversial 'conversational hypnosis.'

Conversational hypnosis is controversial because the hypnotist can hypnotize anyone anywhere at any time without them giving their consent or even being aware that they are being hypnotized. It works by using predetermined language tricks to put the subject into something called the 'open trance.' In this state the person is still wide awake and is actually listening very intently to everything that the conversational hypnotist says. In fact it is this level of concentration that becomes trance like and enables the conversational hypnotist to make suggestions to the persons unconscious mind.

So here are some simple steps if you want to know how to hypnotize women.

Eye contact is important. Before you can put a woman under your influence you need to grab her attention and hold it. One of the best ways to cement this process is to keep eye contact with her. Not only does this encourage her to focus on what you are saying but it also gives the impression that you are confident and fully in control. Now we're not suggesting that women go all weak at the knees for a dominating male. However statistical evidence does support the assertion that most women find a powerful male presence alluring. It's not sexism it's simply a fact.

Further evidence also suggests that women also respond well to a male who they perceive as being beyond their control. Many beautiful women find it boringly easy to manipulate men, not because they are themselves purposefully manipulative but simply because life experience has taught them this is the case. Therefore if a man can show them that they he is not within heir influence they are, by default, more likely to be attracted to him. Firm eye contact must not be threatening but not timid either. This is a powerful skill to acquire.

You also need to 'actively listen.' Now this isn't because of some sexual stereotype that dictates that women like to be listened to. In fact there is no evidence at all that supports such a statement. What I mean by 'active listening' is that you must carefully pay attention to everything the woman you want to hypnotize says before your attempt. This might mean listening in a bit to her conversation before introducing yourself. The reason you should do this is because you need to gather as much information about her in order to inform your hypnosis.

Ultimately however you need to be familiar with good conversational hypnosis technique. You need to understand the hypnotic language and specific strategies that will help you build rapport, captivate and make hypnotic suggestion to the woman you want. Using predetermined phrases, linguistic techniques such as hypnotic language foundations and advanced language technique you can create the impression that you are enigmatic, confident and a person worthy of both respect and her full attention. This creates the opportunity for you to control the dialogue so that you can make hypnotic suggestions to her subconscious mind.

Speaking as a man I know that many men will see the power to hypnotize women simply as a short cut to sex. Firstly this is possible but difficult. If you really practice and completely master conversational hypnosis then it can be used as an extremely fast seduction technique. However this level of competency will not come easily. Years, not months, of study will be required to attain such powerful skills. However within just a few months of studying the right course most men will find that they can dramatically increase their success rate. This will, in turn, further boost confidence and your skills will continue to grow along with it.

So it is indeed possible to learn how to hypnotize women. You need t show some commitment , have time to practice and, most importantly, have access to a good course on conversational hypnosis. However, if you can apply yourself success will follow.

Compiling a Packing List for New Truckers

Compiling a Packing List for New Truckers

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Compiling a Packing List for New Truckers

You must be excited about your first road trip! All new truckers are; after all, this was what they had been dreaming for all along. But before you head out on the road, make sure that you have packed in all that you will need for the trip. This is as important a task as going through the pre-trip inspection and safety checklists because when you are out on the road, you will have to sustain yourself. Keeping handy a packing list for new truckers definitely helps. This packing list for new truckers not only contains all the essential items for the road but is also compact enough not to cause the cabin quarters to overflow.

One of the most important items in the packing list for new truckers is clothing. Truckers often have to be on the road for long stretches of time, so it is essential that you carry a few changes of clothing along with you; you might not always have time to shower. A very convenient item to carry is a mesh laundry basket where you can dump your soiled clothes and wash them if you stop by any laundry service on the way. Also do not forget to stuff in a jacket along with your clothes to keep you warm if there be any sudden drop in temperature.

Other clothing materials you may want to consider are work gloves and work boots, in case you have to do some dirty mechanical work.

Every packing list for new truckers emphasizes the importance of carrying a pair of quality sunglasses. It may not be known but many a trucking accident has been caused when a trucker was blinded by the sun and failed to notice what was ahead of him.

Apart from the toiletries, a packing list for new truckers advises carrying comfortable sleeping gear, like a pillow and sleeping bag. This ensures that you do not have to spend time changing sheets on the sleeper bunk in the very little time you may get between stops.

Even if the packing list for new truckers does not specify the kind of food that you can take along on your trips, you must ensure that you take low-calorie healthy snacks. These healthy food items keep your hunger pangs satiated without leaving you feeling drowsy.

Another thing you should double check to make sure you packed are your documents. We recommend bringing checks (in case a debit card or credit card stops working), cash, social security card, DOT medical card, and an original copy of birth certificate.

In todays age of technology, there are many electronic items you should carry.
a laptop with 3G (soon to be upgraded to 4G) WiFi internet access can be very handy.
A phone charger to keep in contact during you long hauls.
Music CDs for when you cant find any good music on the radio.

If we left out any important items please leave your comments or visit our website and leave feedback and we will be sure to add them.

7 Tips For Reducing Excessive Sweating This Summer

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