Image source: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/89/d4/b7/89d4b7740b38ecf234402de61873a35c.jpg
There are few jobs which need you to be aware every moment. And being an entrepreneur is one of them. In this job, you have to learn to succeed; you stop and the competition will hit you hard. Follow the ten tips given below for success.
1. Recruitment
A team with the proper skills and having a leader to delegate the right responsibility the start-up will be a success. But to build a team who share your vision/passion is the greatest challenge. Your investors will check your team members educational qualification and experience. The reason your team should first believe in your ability to sell.
2. Fundraising
One of the most challenging jobs for an entrepreneur. In recent times, there are companies such as YCombinator, 500 Startups , TechStars etc. By registering in AngelList you can easily track the fund raising efforts regarding your company. You can know more about your strengths/weaknesses when you meet potential investors.
3.Customer Support
If you have started a service-based company, for the first few months, keep a sharp eye on the customer service. If possible attend the calls as it is your own designed product. You will be able to figure the expectations/needs of customers regarding your service. However, you cannot be doing the same forever and you should delegate to a person who can act as a perfect representative of the company.
Tradeshows are the hot places where you are exposed to the press/media, forge valuable partnerships and friendships. Although, you will not like to be known as a Conference Ho , in some time, you will realize the importance of these trips.
5. Long Hours
In the initial stages, you will have to face the grind more than when you have worked for some company. The hours may stretch to 80 hours per week or even more. However, if you are passionate, you will enjoy the long stretch and never feel tired.
6. Tough Decisions
You may have smart team members, but there will be times you may have to take harsh or smart decisions. In short, you should enjoy taking crucial decisions at the drop of a hat or else you will burn out.
7. Travel
You may have to attend conferences/trade shows in another country. The crucial factor is your presence and not the $200 dollars that you spent on the taxi driver to reach the venue on time.
Your company is in India but may also get a big investor in a foreign country suppose in Germany. To form a lasting relationship, you may have to learn the German language. Since you are time-strapped, you think of joining an online tutoring class with a platform such as preply.com where you can find a reputed German tutor.
8. Humble Lifestyle
You might be stashing millions of dollars in the bank for your start-up but remember it is investor money. You may have to live a humble life until your start-up becomes a success.
9. Risk
There is one word which describes a start-up best uncertainty. Ensure your focus does not shift from the goal of achieving success.
10. Time
You are always racing against time to reduce your cost and to grow steady-fast. Remember, in this job profile, you have to do the work of an entire organization. In the early days of forming an organization, you have to do many jobs such as HR, CEO, assistant, customer care executive etc.
Always think every challenge is a learning phase and you/your company will also become a success.